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Let us know how we can be of service for your property management needs.
What financial information does Curo provide?We provide monthly, quarterly, and annual statements to owners and their accountants. No additional fees are charged for these.
Where is rent held until it is distributed?Rent is held in our trust account until a disbursement is made. A trust account is an account where we (as a trustee) can hold money in trust on behalf of someone else (the beneficiary). The Property Agents and Land Transactions Act 2016 (the Act) and Property Agents and Land Transactions Regulations 2017 set out the requirements for holding money in trust.
How often can I be paid?We disburse funds at the end of each month. Rental funds are transferred from our trust account to the account(s) of your choosing.
Who regulates the property industry in Tasmania?The Property Agents Board. The Property Agents board is an independent statutory authority established under the Property Agents and Land Transactions Act 2016 (the Act) to regulate the real estate industry. The Board administers the Act, the Property Agents and Land Transactions Regulations 2017 (the Regulations) and the Code of Conduct. Curo Property Services and its agents are licenced by the Property Agents Board in line with the Act.
What is quiet enjoyment?Quiet enjoyment provides the tenant with the right to use and occupy a premises without substantial interference from the owner or owner’s agent. The lease will dictate how an owner or agent can access the property and how much notice is required. As a general rule a minimum of 24 hours notice should be provided.
How often are inspections conducted?We conduct routine inspections on a 12 monthly basis. The inspection is done to check that a tenant is keeping the property in good condition and that there are no outstanding maintenance works. We will also attend and inspect the property if the tenant raises any significant maintenance issues or if significant works have been undertaken. Photos are taken during these inspections and provided to the owner for their reference.
What is a bond?A security deposit or bond is a payment placed in trust while the property is being rented. The rental bond is financial protection for the owner in cases where there is a breach of the lease agreement. If the property has been maintained as per the lease, left in good condition and all rent has been paid, the bond is returned at the end of the lease. If the property has not been maintained, left in good condition or if rent has not been paid, the landlord can access these funds as compensation.
What is a bank guarantee?A bank guarantee is when a lending institution guarantees that the bank will assume the costs if a borrower defaults on its liabilities or obligations. The bank will charge a fee for the guarantee and this guarantee is held by the owner of the property. If the property has been maintained as per the lease, left in good condition and all rent has been paid, the guarantee is returned at the end of the lease. If the property has not been maintained, left in good condition or if rent has not been paid, the landlord can obtain compensation to the value of the guarantee.
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